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FAQ Battery Energy Storage System (BESS)

The below answers have been collated from multiple conversations with our customers, partners as well as other stakeholders throughout our many years of experience in the BESS energy industry.


If you still have unanswered questions we would be happy to answer them for you so please don't hesitate to contact us via the link below:

What is a large-scale battery energy project?

​A large-scale battery energy project involves the construction and operation of a facility that stores and releases electrical energy on a large scale. It helps stabilize the electrical grid, store renewable energy, and support the integration of renewable sources like solar and wind.

How can I benefit from leasing my land for such a project?

Leasing your land for a large-scale battery energy project can provide a stable and  long-term source of income. You may also contribute to the transition to cleaner energy sources and help improve grid stability.

What are the typical lease terms for such projects

Lease terms can vary widely, but they commonly range from 20 to 30 years. The specifics will be outlined in the lease agreement, including rent amounts, escalation clauses, and any additional conditions.

What are the responsibilities of the landowner during the lease period?

Generally, your primary responsibility will be to provide access to the land and ensure it complies with agreed-upon conditions. We want to emphasize that we will never visit the property without prior notification.

Will I still have access to my land during the lease period?

Access to your land will be outlined in the lease agreement. Typically, the project ownwer will have the right to access and use the specified area for the duration of the lease. However, arrangements can be made to ensure that landowner needs are considered.

Will the construction of the battery project affect the environment or surrounding areas?

Environmental impact assessments are conducted before the construction of such projects to ensure compliance with local regulations. We will be responsible for obtaining necessary permits and ensuring minimal impact on the environment.

Is the battery going to contaminate the site?

 Atria Energy adhere to strict environmental standards and regulations. We will take measures to prevent contamination and conduct thorough assessments to ensure the site remains free from environmental harm. Rest assured that the installation and maintenance of the battery will strictly follow safety and environmental protocols, guaranteeing the preservation of the site's integrity without any risk of contamination. Our operations prioritize the well-being of the land and its surroundings.

What happens at the end of the lease period?

After the lease concludes, the large-scale battery system will undergo a decommissioning process. This involves safely shutting down and removing all equipment and infrastructure associated with the system. This ensures a smooth transition for the landowner to regain full control and use of the land. The process will be conducted in compliance with all relevant regulations and safety protocols.

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